Resident Evil's Fall From Grace | Part 1

Resident Evil was once a colossal force in the gaming industry and no moment is more noteworthy for the series than the release of Resident Evil 4 on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2005. So in this 3 part video series we want to de-construct what makes Resident Evil good so we can then start to work out what went so wrong to leave the series in the unrecognisable state it's in today. Starting with what is widely renowned as the best in the series and one of the greatest games of all time: Resident Evil 4. Topics on the table:

  • Our first impressions in 2005

  • New enemies introduced in RE4

  • Tank control schemes and their place in modern gaming

  • Treasures, Pesetas & The Merchant

  • Resident Evil 4's inventory system

  • The storyline, giant robotic statues & fiery dragon pits

  • The best escort mission ever designed

  • The Boss Fights

  • Mercenaries


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