Banished Colonial Charter | Interview With the Developer | Jeff Harr

Jeff Harr is a developer and mod author for the incredibly expansive Colonial Charter mod for Banished. Developed by Shining Rock Software, a one person team of Luke Hodorowicz. With music by Joseph Hodorowicz. Banished is a city building, survival strategy game released in 2014. Shortly after the release of the mod kit, Jeff Harr and a few other mod authors combined their work and started releasing increments of the Banished Colonial Charter mod, with regular updates.

In this interview we discuss the formation of the mod team Black Liquid. Jeff's thoughts on the vanilla Banished experience. The first things he added to Banished Colonial Charter. We discuss some of the craziest fan requested features on the Colonial Charter forums. The limitations there are, if any, to modding Banished. Also, what are the future plans for Black Liquid? Do they plan on moving on to mod another game or will they create something entirely of their own?

Check out the Banished website and if you own the game, download the Colonial Charter mod at


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